
23 Jun

Press Statement by Mr Sinna Mani, BOPIO President

Mr Sinna Mani giving interview to press reporter
Sinna Mani, President of BOPIO, speaking at a rally in central London(Parliament Square) on Sunday 19/06/2011 said: ³It is a sad day for India and her friends overseas when five senior members of Manmohan Singh¹s government have to turn up to receive Swami Ramdev, who is just a yoga teacher however rich and powerful he may be.

Please click the link below for the full statement:

[Personally, this is the first time I ever heard a public speech by Mr. Sinna Mani.  It is one of the most brilliantly analysed and presented speech.  You must hear him speak!  I am hoping to get hold of a video copy of his speech and post it on our AAC website. – Madhava Turumella]

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23 Jun

మల్లియలు మాలికలు: Why Indian Government is not interested in fightin…

Please click the following link to read the full speech by Madhava Turumella during protest.
 మల్లియలు మాలికలు: Why Indian Government is not interested in fightin…: “Chanakya Said – Corruption must be stopped at the highest authorities. You may wonder why! We must stop the highest authorities from be…”

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22 Jun

Why Indian Government is not interested in fighting corruption – My speech during protest

Chanakya Said – Corruption must be stopped at the highest authorities.  You may wonder why!

We must stop the highest authorities from being corrupt.  We must set an example out of them.  India has been a great nation for a very long time.  Columbus wanted to discover sea route to India, did you ever wonder why?!  It is because India was very wealthy.  But this is not the case any more.

Government of India wanted to know how many people are actually not having a descent meal a day.  So they invited a committee to find this out.  This committee is called Tendulkar Committee. This committee in its report stated that that 40% of  population in India are BELOW poverty line! Isn’t that a shame?! Those who eat less than 2100 calories of food a day are called below poverty.

All of you know for a healthy body to function on an average you require 2400 calories of food.  That is just to do your day to day activities such as walking at normal pace, eating, talking etc., if you get below that level then the body starts cannibalizing.  It starts eating itself.  People become sick, they suffer from anemia. The Indian government spends only 1 per cent of its gross domestic product on healthcare facilities, forcing millions to struggle to get medicines, Oxfam and 62 other agencies said this in a report called: Your Money or Your Life last year.

Every day 20000 people die in India.  This is a human rights problem. Every human has a right to life guaranteed by Indian constitution, yet in reality we let people die.

There are 450 million Indians living in poverty in India this is the official admission of the Prime Minister of India. More over only 60% ever bother to vote in India.

India is rich with mineral resources.  It exports a lot of that stuff to the world.  But this money is being siphoned off by the top brass. There is a huge conspiracy behind this.

‘National Election Watch’ in its report stated that If you are worth Rs.50 million, you are 75 times more likely to win the elections to the Lok Sabha (Parliament of India) than if you are worth under Rs.1 million. The 543 MPs of the current Lok Sabha are worth Rs.80 billion.  So Indian Parliament has become a Rich man’s club.

So there is basically an artificial vacuum that is being created.  40% of Indian electorate are kept under poverty through the means of corruption so that their votes, their loyalty can be bought.  And I believe it is for this reason Indian Elite, the people who are in power, mercilessly attacked the peaceful protesters.

Deliberately keeping the people in poverty will serve the vested interests.  These 40% of Indians go to vote once in every 5 years. And you all know that during Elections Liquor, Money flow on the streets.  Elections are often bought.  And Politics is a very lucrative business in India.  Basically by keeping these 40% of electorate under poverty, politicians in India are buying the
elections.  A person who is hungry will show his loyalty not to the state, but to the person who gave him a Rs500 note.  And so is the power calculation.

It is known that in recent by-elections in India money was spent by all major parties.   News archives will confirm this fact.  It was estimated that around Rs. 200 Million spent over night by various parties to buy the votes of the poor.

Congress Party politicians say they are elected representatives.  But what kind of election is it?  How could there be a fair election, when people of India especially 40% of Indian electorate are living below the poverty line?   It is a known fact that Money and liquor flows during the election time.  It is this poverty stricken people who are being enticed.  Our vedic culture teaches people to be loyal!  It teaches not to bite the hand that feeds you.  So the corrupt politicians bribe the electorate, they feed the electorate.  They buy the loyalty,  and they get back in to power.   This exploitation has to stop.

It is now clear that the government is not helping the poor.  So in the name of helping the poor NGOs do a  very big business.  Billions of Dollars every year gets in to India in the name of charity.  But again you all know this money is not being used to remove the poverty.  My friends, I feel that there is a two pronged approach to undermine the independence of India.

(1) Allow the highest authorities to stash away money illegally and deny the basic needs for the 40% of Indians.

(2) Allow NGOs to target these 450 Million Indians.  Show their begging faces, go to USA, UK and developed countries to beg their money, tell the sad stories of poverty.

So it is time to wake-up…. You must see the reasons why Indian government is not interested in fighting corruption.  Corruption allows two things:

(1) Steal away the money that is rightfully belong to Indian public and keep 40% people below poverty line.  Buy their loyalty in throw away prices, securing your victory all the time

(2) Allow NGOs to thrive in India.   90% of these NGOs are not there to help the poor, they are really there for —- you know for what!!!

So to counter the effects of corruption, to save regularly 20000 humans from unnecessary untimely death,  Indian Citizens wanted to have a strong Anti-corruption bill, Baba Ramdev wanted to bring back the black money.    But Indian Government has offered maximum resistence to these legitimate demands.    So in protest Baba Ramdev asked his supporters to gather in peace.  Indian Constitution gives a right to protest under Article 19A.

Instead of protecting the constitutional rights of the Indian citizen, which is the first and foremost duty of any elected Government, the government of India had mercilessly beaten all protesters who are exercising their democratic right to protest.  Alas! Little did they know that there is no such thing called Democracy!  In an election that was contested on wrong grounds it is false democracy that thrives, it has really become not a democracy but what Henry Kissinger had famously stated ‘it is an organized chaos’.

We must fight, I am convinced my friends, if we make fighting corruption our sole aim, we help building a real Bharat.  So let us stand together…. Jai Hind…

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21 Jun

We NRI are with This Movement- Bharat Swabhiman

In this Astha Channel video – Councillor Ashok Kapoor, Pundit Sri Hemang Bhatt, Madhava Turumella and Smt. Sunita Poddar voice their opinion on why they are taking part in this AAC Protest in front of Houses of Parliament.

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21 Jun

Action Against Corruption protest outside the Houses of Parliament, London.

Baba Ramdev ji’s live speech during our protest #1

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21 Jun

Action Against Corruption protest outside the Houses of Parliament, London.

Baba Ramdev ji’s addressing our protest gathering live over telephone. One of his main points ‘our only mistake was that we thought there was Democracy in India, we thought we could assemble in peace.’

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21 Jun

British Protest against India’s brutality

Please click below to read the full article.

British Protest against India’s brutality

Over 500 British Indians came to join a protest rally from 12pm to 4pm on 19th June at Westminster London to express their anger against the Indian Government’s brutal attack on the peaceful protestors a fortnight ago in Delhi.

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20 Jun


ఈ భీకర మానవమృగాలు సంచరించే సమాజపు అరణ్యంలో
అయోధ్యను వెదకాలని చూడకు.
అలిగి నేలపై కుందేలులా కూర్చోకు.
ఏ దాపున దాగివున్న మానవుని తోలు కప్పుకున్న నక్కో 
నిన్ను లాక్కుని పోగలదు, నీ అస్తిత్వాన్ని భోంచెయ్యగలదు.

రామరాజ్యం పొందాలనుకొంటూ 
గుడిలో కూర్చుని భజనలు చేస్తూ కలవరించకు.
నీ ఆలోచనలే రాముని బాణాలుగా
నీ శరీరమే రాముని విల్లుగా
నీ ఉద్యమమే రాముని నడకగా సాగించు, నడువు, సాధించు….

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20 Jun

Indians in London protest Government corruption in India

Indians in London protest Government corruption in India

Indians living in the UK held a protest in London to demonstrate against an unprovoked attack in India on Yoga teacher Baba Ramdev, along with many of his supporters, by a group of police who had allegedly been drinking. UK. 19th June 2011
Action Against Corruption (a UK based not-for-profit pressure group demand the Indian Government unconditionally apologise for the attack on and to compensate the victims. To hold a referendum if necessary to seek public opinion before they take unilateral decisions opposing the anti-corruption bill and to immediately start taking all necessary steps to bring back ‘Black Money’ held in overseas banks.

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16 Jun

Dark nights of my soul

It pains me unbearably
tackling the two tongued
vicious snakes
for some strage reason
appear in human form…

It Pains me unbearably
dealing with cunning foxes
for some strage reason
appear in human form…

I look at the sky
the sun about to set,
it is not beautiful any more.
The rage in the pained heart
is painting it dark and red.

I started to stare
in to the onsetting darkness,
life inevitable…
What ever destined is bound to happen…

I turn to my God in silent prayer
for I can’t really stare in to this blindening darkness
My heart longing for solace.

I wonder if there is a wee bit of spark,
the light of hope somewhere in this human existence.

Is it! I wonder,
the beginning of
the dark nights of my wandering soul.

-Madhava Turumella

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