Category Archives: Comment

In defense of Mahatma Gandhi: Patel, not Gandhi, made Nehru PM

People often accuse Gandhi saying that Ganghiji wrote a chit during the congress committee meeting and asked Patel to withdraw his nomination and Patel obliged without a question. This accusation ...

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Anna Hazare detained ahead of his fast

16th August 2011:  Anna Hazare, Arvind Kejriwal, Kiran Bedi and scores of other anti-corruption movement leaders are arrested. Their crime – voicing their displeasure against a false bill which gives ...

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US$20.33 Trillion approximate amount of Indian money siphoned off in Scams

Here is a summary of all scams since India’s independence. These may not be the only ones. These are the ones that were caught and brought to the notice of ...

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Dear Supporters,AAC and its member organizations have collected thousands of petitions signed by NRI community, expressing their deep anger towards what had taken place in Delhi Ramlila Maidan Grounds in ...

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United we stand, divided we fall

Why is the Nation of India (and Abroad) still divided on the lines of communal and secular, when the overwhelming monster of corruption is rotting away the foundations of Democracy ...

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Press Statement by Mr Sinna Mani, BOPIO President

Sinna Mani, President of BOPIO, speaking at a rally in central London(Parliament Square) on Sunday 19/06/2011 said: ³It is a sad day for India and her friends overseas when five ...

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మల్లియలు మాలికలు: Why Indian Government is not interested in fightin…

Please click the following link to read the full speech by Madhava Turumella during protest. మల్లియలు మాలికలు: Why Indian Government is not interested in fightin…: “Chanakya Said – Corruption must be ...

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Please Note; There ARE  NO DISTRCT LINE  TRAINS TO WESTMINISTER UNDERGROUND STATION THIS SUNDAY  19TH JUNE .due to engineeering work Use an Alternative —JUBILEE LINE  TRAINS instead to WESTMINISTER UNDERGROUNDNearest station  to our assembley point for Peaceful Protest . ...

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Congress campaign to counter Anna, Ramdev agitations Delhi:  In a counter-offensive, Congress will launch its campaign tomorrow to “expose communal forces” behind the agitations by civil rights activist Anna Hazare and yoga icon Baba Ramdev on issues ...

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Digvijay Singh Kicked Assailant Sunil Kumar

Comment by AAC:[A person has shown a ‘Shoe’ at press conference. But General Secretary of Congress Digvijay Singh and his thugs have assaulted that person. Shame on Congress party for ...

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